As we age, many of us find ourselves with teeth that are no longer structurally sound. Root canals, lost fillings, decay below a filling,chipping and cracking of the enamel are all things that can lead to large scale defects in a tooth's surface. A dental crown is needed when a tooth is badly broken down - either a cusp has broken off, or there are large old fillings or a large portion of decay. A filling is used to fill a small portion of the tooth - a crown when the tooth has extensive damage. There are basically two types of crowns: ‘porcelain fused to metal’ crowns and ‘all porcelain/ceramic’(metal free) crowns.
1. Porcelain fused to metal Crowns
A ‘porcelain fused to metal’ dental crown is a hybrid between all-metal crown and all porcelain crown. When being manufactured, dental technicians will make a shell of metal (substructure) that is custom fitted to your affected tooth. A veneer of porcelain is then fused over this metal, giving the crown a white tooth-like appearance. ‘Porcelain fused to metal’ crowns have the advantage of having a nearly natural appearance of the porcelain, and the strength and stability provided by the underlying metal. ‘Porcelain fused to metal' dental crowns are stronger than the all porcelain crowns but are more prone to fracture than all-metal dental crowns.
2. All Porcelain(Metal-Free) Crown and Bridge
‘All porcelain’ crowns will make your new tooth both strong and beautiful. This tissue friendly porcelain crown recreates the strength and natural beauty of your tooth. Due to the strength in the modified core material, all porcelain crowns are suitable for prosthetic reconstructions anywhere in the mouth. In addition, more and more patients are asking for constructions made of materials not containing metal or other alloys. ‘All porcelain’ crowns are made of a biocompatible material which minimizes the risk of allergic reactions. This new reinforced resin or bonded all-porcelain type of crown has the best appearance.This crown can be made from pure ceramic or a new reinforced composite resin,and is almost indistinguishable from natural teeth. The new bonding technology involved provides an exceptional bond to your teeth. It is metal-free, and thus satisfies the needs of patients with metal sensitivities.
Dental bridges
A dental bridge is a false tooth which is fused between two porcelain crowns to fill in the area left by a missing tooth. Fixed bridges cannot be taken out of your mouth as you might do with removable partial dentures; they require your commitment to serious oral hygiene, but will last as many as ten years or more. The dental bridge type you choose will depend on the condition of your smile, your cost goals, and the cosmetic results you desire. Whether you are looking for a temporary or permanent tooth loss solution, there is a dental bridge ideally suited for your needs.