Endodontic therapy is a treatment for the pulp of a tooth which results in the elimination of infection and protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion. This set of procedures is commonly referred to as a ‘root canal treatment’.
Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is essential whenever tooth decay reaches a point where it starts to irritate the nerve inside the canals,causing pain and tooth sensitivity. Alternatively, it is performed when we need to prepare a tooth for a crown or to change a deep filling in it.
Endodontic therapy involves (1) the removal of root canals,pulp, nerve tissues and blood vessels that usually inhabit the tooth, (2) the subsequent cleaning, shaping, and decontamination of the hollows, and (3) the filling of the decontaminated canals.
In the past, RCT has been a fearsome operation, but new techniques and sophisticated electronic equipment have helped dentists at Lumident improve the quality of root canal treatment, making it a very safe and painless procedure with fast and reliable results.